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  1. sose
    1. discography
    2. 1994 | sose sing songs of spiritual enlightment | 4tracks - 9songs
      1995 | turtle head faith | live studio recording
      1996 | bondage action | noise hop
      1997 | eat a raw fetus for jesus | strangeness in lo-fi
      1997 | sosepromo expanded | welcome to sose world
      1997 | hey baby i got news for you, i´m the lowest form of life on
             earth | limited live edition
      1998 | Stig Tøfting | low pop
      2000 | at least the nose is still bleeding | western breakdance
      2002 | dresscode smart | schweinerockuniversum
      2004 | i got erection i got love | reverse rewind
    3. music, info and downloads
    4. for music, info and further stuff check out the pr area at

return home

(c) SOSEcommunications 1994 - 2024